Financial assets like cash and short-term investments are reported at fair market value on the balance sheet, rather than at their original cost. 在资产负债表中,现金和短期投资等金融性资产的价值是公允价值,而非初始成本。
Depreciation on the fixed assets shall be accounted on the basis of the original cost, estimated residual value, estimated useful life and working capacity, according to the straight line method or the working capacity ( or output) method. 固定资产折旧应当根据固定资产原值、预计净残值、预计使用年限或预计工作量,采用年限平均法或者工作量(或产量)法计算。
The safari suit is a good example of clothes holding their value and indeed exceeding the original cost, says Christie's head of textiles Pat Frost. 佳士得纺织品主管帕特•弗罗斯特(PatFrost)表示:狩猎装是衣服保持了自身的价值,并且实际上超过了原有成本的一个很好的例子。
The depletion that will occur over the life of the mine is the original cost minus the residual value, or$ 4. 矿场存续期内的可供损耗值是初始成本减去残值,即4美元。
When we have recovered the original cost of developing and launching a product. 当开发和推出一项新产品原先所花的费用都收回了。
The seller makes a little extra money and the buyer saves quite a lot, since garage-sale items usually are priced at a very small part of their original cost. 车库展卖的价格是原来价格的很小的一部分,所以卖主能挣一点额外的钱,买主却省了一大笔钱。
For control and monitoring purposes, the original detailed cost estimate is typically converted to a project budget, and the project budget is used subsequently as a guide for management. 本着控制和监督的目的,初始的详细成本估算通常被转化为项目预算,并被用来作为随后成本管理的指南。
Expenses incurred during the course of a project are recorded in specific job cost accounts to be compared with the original cost estimates in each category. 在项目实施过程中所发生的支出被记录在具体的工作成本报告中,以用来在每一成本项次下和原始成本估算相比较。
The original cost of fixed assets manufactured or constructed by an enterprise itself shall be the actual expenses incurred in their manufacture or construction. depreciated ( book) value 自制、建的固定资产,以制造、造过程中所发生的实际支出为原价。固定资本余值,资产帐面价值
The latter half a year's maintenance cost for the pavilions and facilities is much lower than the original building cost. 后半年的展馆和设施的维护费用比原来的建造费用要低得多了。
In order to adapt the demand of the market, The Reliable Electric Company improved the original cost management model, implemented the closed-loop management in budget and contract. 为适应市场,瑞宝电气公司对原有的成本管理模式进行改革提升,实施预算与合同闭环管理法。
One of the main features of the information product cost is that its production costs are centralized in its "original copy cost". 信息产品成本的主要特征是它的生产成本集中于它的原始拷贝成本。
The valuation of fixed assets shall be based on the original cost. 固定资产的计价,应当以原价为准。
You should take into account its original cost and then reduce the price according to the age. 你应该先计算成本,然后根据年龄降低价格。
Total investment at original cost 按原始成本计算的投资总额
Inventory gains shall be accounted for at original historical cost or at the historical cost or at the historical cost of similar inventory. 盘盈的存货,按照原实际成本或者同类存货的实际成本入帐。
Sold some plant assets, the price is$ 100, the original cost is$ 40, the accumulated depreciation is$ 20. 销售厂房类资产,售价为100,原始成本为40美元,累计折旧为20美元。
Depreciation percentage of original cost method 原始成本定率折旧法
The effect of the third transaction is a$ 10 decrease of plant assets original cost and a$ 20 decrease of accumulated depreciation, resulting in a$ 1 cash inflows, thus bringing out a$ 60 loss. 第三笔经济业务的效果是,厂房设备的原始成本减少了10美元,累计折旧减少了2美元,并导致了1美元的现金流入和60美元的损失。
Cost of goods sold ( cost of sales): The original acquisition cost of the inventory that was sold to customers during the reporting period. 销售成本:会计报告期内销售给客户的存货的原始取得成本。
Finally, the original cost estimation of open caisson pump house is made with the geometric optimization. 最后用几何优化法对泵房沉井基础的工程费估算作了应用性探讨。
Tracing back and adjusting the original cost of the investment is against the principle of gain and loss affirmance. Tracing Back to the Source of Empathy 对原投资成本进行追溯调整有悖于损益确认原则,追溯调整不合理;古代诗词移情手法的历史溯源
Discusses some factors in traditional accounting procedures such as the assumption of an unchanging currency, value expression of non currency assets and the proportional principle of current revenue and original cost, which affect the quality of accounting information in price fluctuations. 论述了在物价波动情况下传统会计模式中的币值不变假设、非货币性资产项目价值的表述、现行收入与历史成本相配比原则等对揭示会计信息质量的影响。
By studying the relationships among original cost, expectation loss and defence standard, the objective function for optimizing the defence standard of the city is proposed, and the result has been applied in Xiamen. 通过研究建筑初始造价、预期损失与设防烈度之间的关系,给出了确定城市最优设防标准的目标函数,并已将结果应用于厦门市。
By introducing the monotone smooth logarithm and compounding it with the original cost function, we propose an improved nonnegativity and support constraints recursive inverse filtering algorithm ( NAS-RIF) for image restoration. 引入单调平滑的对数函数,对原代价函数取以e为底的对数进行复合,提出了一种改进的非负限定性支持域算法。
However, as information wave and the tremendous changes in the business environment and the emergence of diverse needs in management information, the original cost measurement model is no longer suited to the needs of the new situation, therefore, constructing a new cost measurement mode imminent. 但随着信息化浪潮和经营环境的巨大变化以及管理信息需求多样化的出现,原有的成本计量模式已不适应新形势的需要,因此,构建一个新的成本计量模式迫在眉睫。
In particular, it is proved that Hessian matrix H is positive definite when the original cost function has a quadratic form. So there is an optimal control of the Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian system. 特别地,当代价函数为二次型时,我们证明了Hessian矩阵H是正定的,从而也就证明了线性二次高斯问题的最优控制是存在的。
However, the research are limited by the original cost system and implementation of large enterprises, so can not be replicated yet. 但是,研究成果受到大型企业原有的成本系统的限制,局限于企业的实施意愿,因此迟迟不能得到推广。
And obtain regression equation between the original cost rate and peak acceleration by curve fitting. 3 、 The structural vulnerability analysis is carried out. 并通过曲线拟合得出了初始造价增量比与地震加速度峰值的回归方程。3、进行了青岛市建筑物易损性分析。
At the same time, it inhibit the economic benefits of geothermal resources in original cost because unreasonable distribution of water between different trades. 同时,行业之间用水量分配的不合理,抑制了地热水资源原有经济效益的发挥。